Three charges were laid against Wang in court yesterday. They were forgery, using a false instrument and performing acts intended to pervert the course of justice.
(某人)虽不在现场但仍有罪somebody's absence did not exonerate him
不在场证据alibi (n); I've got an alibi for Tuesday night.
不认罪pleaded not guilty
以特赦证人身分作供testify today under immunity from prosecution
用于法庭的证据forensic evidence
全部供认不讳/和盘托出make a full confession
在他的供词中in his police confession
在洛杉矶联邦法院出庭showed up in federal court in L.A.
retract(vt); He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement./retract my words
作污点证人testified in court, under immunity for prosecution,
作伪证/作假证供testify falsely
作证give evidence
否认是项指控denied the claims
否认某项控罪deny a charge of something
It leaves me with no alternative.
I have no qualms over what I have done.???
使承受inflict (vt)
屈打成招His confession was extracted under torture.
承认两项非法性交罪pleaded guilty to two charges of unlawful sexual intercourse
承认某罪pleaded guilty to something
拒绝在审判中出庭作证refused to testify at his trial
拒绝承认谋杀罪,但承认指控较轻的误杀罪had denied murder but admitted the lesser charge of manslaughter
招供confession (n)/confess (vi)(vt); confess/confess to doing sth/confess that/confess to murder/
昨日选择自辩chose not to be represented by a legal counsel at yesterday's hearing
借用某人的说话borrowing the words of somebody
真诚地in good faith
控方证人prosecution witnesses
叙述recount(vt); recount the details of the conversation to the court
毫无悔意display no remorse/with no trace of remorse
聆讯期间一直饮泣sobbed throughout the proceedings???
聆讯期间看来焦虑不安looked anxious throughout the proceedings
Tapes of the hearing showed she had verbally pleaded guilty.
犹豫、动摇waver (vi)
传召证人summon witnesses
凭证credentials (pl)
恳求他不要指证自己pleaded with him not to give evidence against him
证词deposition (n); make a deposition that
证据、证词evidence (u); give evidence at the trial(出庭作证)
赞她挺身而出,捍卫公正praised her for taking a stand to defend justice
(法官)中止聆讯called a halt to proceedings
A woman yesterday won a court battle for a $500,000 break-up fee from her former live-in lover, who had promised to take care of her for the rest of her life.
On Friday, a court awarded custody of the two girls to their mother and custody of the boy to his father.
上诉要求减刑败诉lost her appeal against the length of her sentence
上诉时洗脱罪名was acquitted on appeal
公众利益public interest
他在宣判后跟记者说he told reporters after the ruling
He has 10 days to appeal against the verdict by the Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court.
His crimes not only affected families and relatives of the victims but also threw our country and neighbouring countries into extreme fear.
令业界震撼has sent shockwaves through the industry
Those who break the law must then be prosecuted and subjected to sentences which provide an effective deterrent.
未经法庭聆讯就可以判处娼妓和嫖客劳教sentence prostitutes and their patrons to labour re-education without a court trial
正在保释等候上诉on bail pending appeal
正研究判词were now reviewing the judgment
由庭警带走was taken away by court police
在闭门审讯中in a closed trial
在较低级别法院时胜诉won in lower courts
Her husband was found guilty of aiding and abetting the offence.
She was found guilty after trial last Thursday after one count of using a document with intent to deceive the Government.
She also jailed him for 24 months on the drink-driving charge but ordered that the terms be served concurrently.
考虑提出上诉consider lodging an appeal
In her sentencing, Judge Chua adopted a starting point of four years' jail and reduced it by one-third to 32 months because of Wu's guilty plea.
判决adjudicate (vi)/adjudication (n)/ruling (n)/verdict (n); was called in to adjudicate/adjudicate a claim/The case was referred to a higher court for adjudication./A ruling is an official decision, especially one made by a court. A verdict is an official decision made by a jury in a court of law about whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime. A conviction is a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime./appeal against the ruling/The court will make its ruling on the case next week/A ruling is an official decision, especially one made by a court. A verdict is an official decision made by a jury in a court of law about whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime. A conviction is a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime./a majority verdict of 10 to 2/After a week the jury had still not reached a verdict./The jury returned/gave a verdict of guilty / not guilty.
判罪conviction; A ruling is an official decision, especially one made by a court. A verdict is an official decision made by a jury in a court of law about whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime. A conviction is a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime./has six previous convictions for theft/appeal against his conviction
把他们还押监房remanded them in custody
两项抢劫罪two counts of robbery
拒绝估计上诉结果/拒绝揣测上诉结果declined to speculate on the outcome of the appeal
The court judge said the conviction will leave Fok a criminal record and a light sentence was given to him because he pleaded guilty.
非法埋葬尸体罪the unlawful disposal of a corpse
侵权行为tort; A tort is an action that is wrong but not criminal and can be dealt with in a civil court of law.
宣判无罪acquittal (n)/acquit (vt); She was acquitted of murder./Both defendants were acquitted./She was acquitted on all charges./He was acquitted on the grounds of insufficient evidence.
昨日被裁定刑事恐吓罪成was yesterday found guilty of criminal intimidation
昨日被裁定非礼(该女子)罪成was yesterday convicted of indecently assaulting the woman
Wu was disqualified from driving for five years.
If he does not violate the terms of the suspension, the sentence will be commuted to life in prison.
The jury in the Court of First Instance deliberated for less than four hours before reaching a six-one verdict to convict Lai Pui-heung, 52.
被上诉庭增加六年刑期had his sentence increased by six years in the Court of Appeal
被公安判处劳教半年had been sentenced by the police to six months of re-education through labour
设立上诉程序set up an appeal procedure
These are serious and reprehensible offences.
Lawyers for Asahara immediately appealed, setting in motion legal proceedings that could last 10 years.
提出司法复核seek a judicial review
裁定案件永久终止聆讯order a permanent stay of proceedings
新罪行缠扰罪a new offence of harassment
会对判决提出上诉would appeal against their convictions
预期可上诉得直predicted victory on appeal
鼓励法庭依法严办encouraging the courts to take a tough line with offenders
对判决表示失望/对裁决表示失望expressed disappointment with the verdict/expressed regret at the judgment
误杀罪成was found guilty of manslaughter
谋杀罪成were found guilty of murder
藏毒罪名成立has been convicted of drug possession
严重伤人罪成were convicted of causing grievous bodily harm with intent
严重伤害菲佣身体罪成/严重伤害他人身体罪成was found guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm on the maid
袭击伤人罪assault occasioning actual bodily harm
(辩护律师)在求情时in mitigation
was jailed for……
入狱两年半went to prison for two and a half years
不判某人入狱spare somebody from jail
不该被判入狱should not be given a custodial sentence
不应被判入狱should be spared jail
以十五年为量刑起点took a starting point of 15 years for Ng
He is the 12th person sentenced to hang for the attacks and the conviction on all 13 counts was widely expected.
They received jail terms of nine months, suspended for two years.
充公某人的货物confiscated somebody's goods
加长某人的刑期stretches prison term for somebody
必须扣押某人somebody must remain behind bars
用一些站不住脚的借口求情put up lame excuses for their actions
The term was reduced by one-third because of Lam's guilty plea.
向法官贝律贤求情appealed to Magistrate John Brennan for leniency
因被告认罪故减刑三分一reduced it by a third for his guilty plea
因藐视法庭罪入狱四个月,现正服刑is serving a four-month jail term for contempt of court
判三名内地人死刑sentencing three mainlanders to death
判刑押后至十二月二日adjourned sentencing to December 2
There should have been a heavier sentence.
They should serve at least 20 years before parole should be considered, the judge recommended.
判罚社会服务令order the defendant to perform community service
求情a plea for mercy
使他们两夫妇不至于要坐牢save the couple from being jailed
受感化令或社会服务令serve a probation order or community service
和终身监禁同时执行to be served concurrently to the life terms
延迟判刑adjourned sentencing
拒绝某人对某事的请求reject somebody's pleas for something
The magistrate ordered that McDonald's $30000 in costs be paid by the Food and Hygiene Department.
Sentencing was scheduled for July 8.
社会服务令a community service order
Fourteen statements, mostly from lawyers, had informed the court of Tang's previous good character.
昨日被判处二百四十小时社会服务令was yesterday ordered to perform 240 hours of community service
某人被判入狱41年somebody is given a 41-year sentence
留案底get permanent criminal records
强忍泪水chocked back tears
终身监禁life sentences
被扣上手铐及带走were led away in handcuffs
被判入狱十八个月至十年半不等received sentences ranging from 18 months to 10.5 years
被判入狱三年半was sentenced to three and a half years in jail
被判入狱三年零十一个月was sentenced to three years and 11 months' imprisonment
被判实时入狱were sentenced to immediate imprisonment on conviction
被判接受精神治疗,缓刑三年was sentenced to psychiatric treatment and three years' probation
被判缓刑were given suspended jail terms
被枪决were shot
Eventually, security guards subdued him and led him away in handcuffs.
几乎肯定会被判处死刑would almost certainly face the death penalty
Prominent solicitor Dixon Tang Kwok-wah was jailed for seven years yesterday for the rape and indecent assault of his domestic helper.
感化官probation officers
对量刑不一感到诧异questioned the disparity in the sentences
缓刑一年was put on probation for a year
应该被判入狱should be remanded in custody
恳求法庭从轻发落appealing for leniency
恳求宽大begging for leniency
获减刑三分一had his prison term cut by a third
大讲粗口shouting obscenities
不出庭应讯failed to turn up for her case at the court
企图给予某人工作,换取不指证自己的好处trying to land somebody a job to win somebody's silence
企图影响证人口供attempting to influence the testimony of witness
收钱指正钱志明was cashed in on evidence given against Chin
妨碍司法公正obstructed justice/perverted the course of justice
罔顾法庭命令disregarded the judge's order
故意弄伤自己来逃避盘问inflicted the injuries on himself in an effort to forestall interrogation
浪费公帑a waste of public money
伪造指控fabricated the allegations
提出与案情完全无关的问题raised wholly extraneous questions
发假誓/作假证供perjury (n); were found guilty of perjury/commit perjury
藐视法庭contempt of court
转移公众视线divert public attention
爆粗screamed an obscenity
上诉庭the Court of Appeal
It is totally distasteful to hear people swear.
有证据充分的个案there are well-documented cases
死因聆讯inquest (n); an inquest was held/at the inquest
东区法院Eastern Court